STAB (Super T.) 717 臺南市仁德區文南街328號 02-2729-0087 06-270-9528 gerbjj@yahoo.com.tw 大陸, 北美, 歐洲, 紐澳, 全國地區
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STAB (Super T.)


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2. 支援展場人員 (親切又確實)



Professional and passionate counselor with great enthusiasm in the study abroad industry. Starting from a student taking TOEFL classes at one of the largest study abroad firms in Taiwan, Merica Group, all the way to the head leader of the firm’s counseling department. Then becoming the leading counselor at another international language school firm, EF. Until eventually opening her own counseling company. Jacqueline has dedicated herself to education service for over 30 years. 

“Quality and professional service” is Jacqueline’s biggest value as a counselor. She is the one who always strives the best for her students.
Jacqueline of STAB - your strongest support for educational pursuit.

桂琳: 賈桂琳 李經理(留遊學專家台大正門正對面,公館辦公室的李經理) 從1989年進入留學補習班補習, 到進入遊學(從瑞典商的遊學產業開啟, 業績斐然, 也讓我踏遍英,法,澳及美等國家)留學服務業, 已經好幾個十年, 喜歡務實, 工作職場環境, 從一個垃圾桶5千元的外商銀行, 到一個連辦公桌都要早晚班共用工作環境, 感覺每天上班都像打戰, 但, 很快樂, 也因為曾經在國際律師事務所工作(每週2個下午供應好吃下午茶), 讓我覺得是個不會生產的工作人(衹有律師才是生產者), 雖經歷幾次因辭職被升官, 到幾次轉職不想升官, 衹要薪資談妥, 就是全力以赴,做事不想做官的拼命三郎工作者, 曾每月一天工作到半夜2,3點(因為要算顧問薪水), 也曾一人做5人的工作(在分公司,沒有多的人力), 就是愛上踏實的教育服務這行業, 不工作不幹活, 人生真的難過, 也曾被壓力壓垮過, 挺住了, 要快樂做下去, 找Kui-Lin, 大家都贏的教育服務業. 

Dr. David:

The star counselor of STAB, the captain that leads you to the path of top institutions. Dr. David has assisted students to the worlds’ best schools in various professional fields, from Harvard medical school to Wharton school of Business at University of Pennsylvania. 

Straight to the point and persistence are Dr. David’s biggest strengths. Dr. David views genuineness and honesty as his greatest value. Regardless of any circumstances, Dr. David will not hesitate to turn down your personal statement if there are rooms for improvement. At the same time, the times you’ve been turned down equals the time and effort Dr. David will put in to support you. In most cases, Dr. David spends double or even triple the time you’ve spent on your application to come up with solutions to help you. Dr. David- your mentor that guides you through the path of education. 

大偉老哥: 是務實不拐彎抹角的顧問總監, 想進名校, 老哥不會幫你化濃妝, 是指導你寫該寫的, 即便他指導在美國攻讀博士時的同校小學弟,學弟是小留學生, 在美著名財務顧問公司,工作10年後,申請名校MBA的Essay, 直白告訴他, 他原來的想法一點都不特別, 請他改例子, 就這校問老哥, 就進此校華頓商學院(其他沒問的ex.UCB就是一直waiting); 指導台大生修改essay,修到deadline到了才罷休, 就進了Harvard U. 法律系; 醫生不幹了, 想念公衛, 分數有了, 沒有包裝, 就是點他寫該寫的, 願修願改, 就進了Harvard U.公衛系, 接下來介紹他醫學院學弟來, 這學弟, 來了2次, 不見了, 幾年前才知, 原來跟光陰的故事女角結婚了.

Dr. Chang:

        Graduated from the Columbia University, devoted herself to English teaching for more than 20 years, and the nicest counselor ever. Based in New Jersey,
Dr. Chang has been working as a director for supervising and mentoring local teachers. She has complete familiarity of the education system in the United States. Dr. Chang mainly serves as the academic counselor for STAB, using her profession to assist students to create their best portfolios. Interview mentoring is another key feature that Dr. Chang can provide to support students. 

            Dr. Chang - your light that enlightens and shines behind.

Dr. Chang: 在輔導的過程中, 讓學生神不知鬼不覺, 精進了自己的英文聽說寫能力, 一位不同於仿間的顧問, 厲害就在細節中, 結果就是最好的成果.


STAB’s rising star and future English teaching specialist. Fresh graduate from the teacher preparation program at NKNU department of English and admitted to the TESOL program for fall 2024 at UPENN. Paul is your best support and friend that helps you accomplish your education goals. From high school/ college entrance exams, TOEFL/IELTS, TOEIC/GEPT, all the way to domestic and foreign universities’ application, Paul covers them all. 

With experiences of studying both in Taiwan and the U.S, Paul understood the hardships of Taiwanese students when it comes to learning English. Therefore, Paul customizes the English learning process for each individual student so that they could experience the learning that most suits their needs.
Paul believes “Equity > Equality”, every student could find their way of learning 

保羅小哥: 是最具國際移動力的年輕人, 是從小培養英文力(讀了5所小學/保羅媽媽陪讀的小五小留學生,3所國中/保羅媽媽再陪讀Grade6的Middle School,高中再去法國當交換生); 喜愛健身的他會指導你如何考英文會考, 學測英文及個人申請面試, 幫你快速中翻英, 也是備受英文家教學生跟家長喜愛的家教老師. 
恭喜小哥 錄取常春藤名校賓州大學英語教學碩士秋季班入學也取得USD5000獎學金
(UPenn GSE TESOL 2024 Fall and USD5000 Scholarship Offer)

公司服務方式: 找Kui-Lin, 一對一服務, 分享在美陪讀, 給家有15-19歲孩子的家長, 建議規劃, 選擇, 交換學生,私立中學,社區大學還是頂尖大學, 給上班族短期遊學增強競爭力, 轉職更有力, 長期留學找適合的學校, 需要哪部分服務, 就僅需付那部分費用, 疫情期間, 一步一步做, 一切順利, 就出發, 有狀況, 等恢復, 再來或定格, 不浪費一毛錢更不會有退費問題.

Super T. 極緻Go Top 顧問諮詢服務

我們不衹要做好 還要做到最好




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 GerB+ GoTop極緻遊留學諮詢幫幫我

任何您想到的 您沒想到的 賈桂琳李 就搞定

                               Cell: 0965413607 

                                   Email: gerbjj888@gmail.com













找~遊留學Go Top 頂尖顧問諮詢


我是 G型人:我完全沒有概念, , 有點想要了解~

我是 T型人:我已經有些想法, , 不確定可行性~

我是 O型人: 我已經有在搜集, , 想要更多建議~

我是 P型人: 我是想要開始了, , 需要專業人的指導~                      

我需要專業又有經驗又親切的指導與規劃, 賈桂琳李


Go Top頂尖顧問諮詢 協助指導您 從零到壹百                    


服務內容: 留學精緻代辦,留學重點代辦協助您不會的那一步,個人遊學精緻代辦,中譯英24小時交件,高一二生交換vs長期遊學,人力支援,電話行銷,市場調查電訪


交易/付款方式:現金, ATM轉帳, 電匯

主要服務地區:大陸, 北美, 歐洲, 紐澳, 全國地區